Empowering the Community: The Kosciusko REMC Annual Meeting

The time is approaching for the highly anticipated KREMC annual meeting. This event brings together members of our community to make important decisions and gain insight into the financial well-being of our cooperative. It's an occasion that holds great significance as we exercise our democratic rights to elect the individuals who will guide our cooperative over the next year.
Unlike traditional utility companies, our electric cooperative operates on a non-profit basis, meaning it exists solely to serve its members and the community. As a member-owner, you have a personal stake in the cooperative's success and participate in its decision-making processes. This unique structure places members at the center, ensuring that your needs and priorities are given paramount importance.
The board of directors is the cornerstone of KREMC, entrusted with the responsibility of overseeing its operations and making strategic decisions on behalf of the members. Composed of individuals from our community who are elected by fellow members, the board plays a crucial role in ensuring the cooperative's successful operation. The board's responsibilities include setting long-term goals, developing policies, and ensuring the cooperative remains financially stable. They work in collaboration with the cooperative's management team to make informed decisions, while keeping the best interests of the members and the community in mind.
The annual meeting provides members with an opportunity to vote for the board of directors. This process ensures that our cooperative remains accountable and reflects the collective aspirations of its members. By actively participating in this crucial decision-making process, you can help shape the direction of the cooperative and safeguard its mission. What is the KREMC mission? Kosciusko REMC is dedicated to safely providing quality electric energy and services to members at a competitive cost. We value integrity, accountability, innovation, and commitment to community above all else.

The annual meeting is a two-part event, beginning with a virtual broadcast that will premiere on the KREMC YouTube channel on Tuesday, June 6 at 7pm. This broadcast will give you some insight into what KREMC has accomplished over the past year, as well as a chance to win prizes. The drive-thru portion of this year’s annual meeting will take place on Thursday, June 8 from 3 to 6pm at the KREMC facility. As members drive through the property, they will cast their vote for three different board seats. Nominee Tony Siebeneck is running against incumbent Secretary-Treasurer John Hand. Nominee Joel Shepherd is running against incumbent member of the board Loretta Schafer. And nominee Jill Shock is running against incumbent member of the board Pam Messmore. All these candidates are invested members and leaders in our community. We invite you to learn more about them at kremc.com/candidate-profiles
As KREMC’s annual meeting approaches, we hope you embrace this opportunity to make your voice heard. By participating in the democratic process of electing our board of directors, you actively contribute to the cooperative's success. We look forward to seeing you at the drive-thru portion of the annual meeting on June 8!
For complete details on the KREMC annual meeting read our previous blog here: