Why Join the Co-op Connections Program as a Business?
Are you looking for a way to reach more potential customers in Kosciusko County? Kosciusko REMC offers an easy, low-cost way to expand your reach and advertise your business to our large member base through the Co-op Connections Program.
What is the Co-op Connections Program?
All KREMC members (residents and businesses on over 18,500 meters who receive our electricity) have access to the free Co-op Connections digital app which provides users discounts and special offers at various local and national establishments. This includes discounts at large chains nationwide on healthcare, travel, entertainment, technology, online retailers, and more. Locally, we have around 40 businesses that participate in the program.
Why Should I Join?
Participation in this program is completely free; all you have to do is agree to provide a discount. Kosciusko REMC promotes our local businesses who participate in the Co-op Connections Program to our members. Our goal is to drive our members to these local businesses to redeem their Co-op Connections discount. We do this through:
- Blog post feature
In a blog post feature, we will highlight the unique story of your business and what you have to offer. We received over 1,000 visits to our blog last year, proving it to be a valuable marketing avenue. You can view our blog here: https://www.kremc.com/blog1
- Social media post/video feature
We will post social media highlights including photos or videos of your business to our 4,000+ social media followers on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. You can follow us on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/KosciuskoREMC
- Live Wire podcast feature
KREMC’s monthly podcast, Live Wire, is where we discuss co-op matters, energy, community topics, and communicate with KREMC members. We also feature a local business on this podcast every month. This podcast has had over a 1,000 downloads since it started, showing that our members are listening. You can listen to our podcast here: https://livewire.transistor.fm/
- Indiana Connection Magazine feature
Indiana Connection is a monthly publication that shares not only information about our local co-op and information about electricity for our members but also celebrates the rural and suburban Indiana lifestyle. All of our members receive this publication. Every month, we feature some Co-op Connection businesses in the magazine, promoting them to our members. You can view the digital version of our magazine here: https://www.kremc.com/indiana-connection
- Co-op Connections App and KREMC website.
Your business will be listed on the “Local Deals” section of the Co-op Connections App, and also on our KREMC website under the Co-op Connections section. When our members are browsing local deals and businesses to visit, you will show up as a location. You can view our website and download the app here: https://www.kremc.com/co-op-connections-card
Again, all of these opportunities are completely free to our Co-op Connection Businesses. All you have to do is sign up and provide a discount.
How Do I Join?
Participating businesses can sign up at no cost and determine the offer they would like to give our KREMC members with the Co-op Connections digital app. (i.e., 10% off purchase, free installation for new customer, BOGO, etc.)
Simply download and fill out this form: Co-op Connection Business Agreements.pdf
Once you’ve completed it, you can email it to Laura Seney at lseney@kremc.com, or call 574-269-0354 with any questions or concerns. You can also stop by KREMC at 370 South 250 East, Warsaw and ask for Laura Seney to get signed up.
We will then add your business and offer to the Co-op Connections website and digital app and begin promoting your business.
We hope you will join this awesome program soon!