The Ultimate Guide to LEDs
Why are LED lights so preferred over incandescent, halogen, or fluorescent bulbs? In this blog, we’ll explain the distinction and the extra perks of using LEDs in your home.
LEDs are long-lasting. Save the time you would normally spend changing out your incandescent or halogen light bulbs. LEDs typically keep your home lit for 25,000 hours of use, and sometimes more. That means your LEDs won’t need to be changed for 14 years if they’re on for around five hours per day every day of the year.
Give your house a new kind of shine. You’ve probably seen CRI number ratings on light bulb packages before, but do you know what they mean? CRI stands for color rendering index, and it communicates the quality of colors your lights display. Since sunlight is the highest quality of light, these CRI ratings are based on a light’s comparison to sunlight.
Protect your household’s safety. LEDs are resistant to the heat you may feel when touching a lit incandescent bulb. This means they’re less likely to cause a fire hazard, especially if you’re using them on a Christmas tree or near flammable materials.
Customize your lighting. Each room in your home is different and calls for a unique atmosphere. Light plays a significant role in setting the mood, and LEDs can help. LED bulbs come in soft white, bright white, and daylight colors, so you have a wide array of options when you’re designing an atmosphere for each room. Brighter, blue light often provides better lighting for productivity and work, and warmer, yellow light creates the mood for relaxed, cozy settings.
Save money on your electric bill. LED bulbs are dimmable, which can also contribute to setting the tone for a specific room and saves energy. LEDs also use a much lower amount of energy than incandescent, halogen, and fluorescent bulbs.
Reduce your environmental footprint. LEDs are more sustainable than other lighting options because using them means you’ll be reducing the amount of energy your house is putting out. While some bulbs contain mercury and other harmful substances to the environment, LEDs do not, making them far more disposable.
If you want a quick way to evaluate the best lighting option for your home, check this out!

This blog was supplemented with material from Touchstone Energy Cooperatives and Home Depot.