This is the month we celebrate our gratitude...
By thanking you for a year of abundance.
Kosciusko REMC cannot stand without its community. We are member-owned and member-oriented at every stage of the process as we deliver quality electric service to your homes. This year, we’ve seen new records set for community involvement and new ideas fostered in our cooperative work environment.
As Thanksgiving approaches, we’re made aware of the generosity of our community, and we’re compelled to give back. There are a few ways we’re putting our gratitude into action this month:
· Our financial donation to Combined Community Services represents our heart for those in our area who need extra support as the weather grows colder and electric bills rise.
· We’re proud to support a local food drive by welcoming donations at our facility through November 13. These items, listed in the following pages of your Indiana Connection magazine, will be part of annual Thanksgiving baskets, which are handed out to families in need of a full Thanksgiving meal by a local church. Thank you to everyone who has already contributed to the food drive, and everyone who will in the last few weeks.
· KREMC is always here to provide creative ways to give back to the community. Providing support for those you love is the most essential part. That’s why we created HUGs – Household Utility Gifts – which make great Christmas gifts for anyone you know who struggles with winter utility bills. Next time you’re at the KREMC facility, ask us how to give a HUG.
It has truly been a monumental year for Kosciusko REMC. We could not be more grateful for you and your family, and all the ways you’ve shown up for your local electric cooperative. Between your participation, our progress with Kosciusko Connect’s fiber installations, and the ways we’re able to give back, all we can do is thank you for a year of abundance.
Kurt Carver
President and CEO